In February 2017, we made a decision that have changed our life.

We moved our life to Poros, Greece. A beautiful and colorful island in the Saronic Gulf. Life is “easy” and has room for new experiences. The stressful life we lived in Denmark is now behind us, Poros and Greece is now our inspiration.

Greece has a history of overwhelming influence to the modern world: Democracy, influencers/thinkers, great tales of history and also a nature full of vitamins of life. Food, wine, spices, sports, medicine among others.

The both of us – Bettina Borg (my wife) and I, have lived lifes witch includes business and active life. We have held retreats in Mallorca, Spain for about 10 years. Retreats for women, providing the good and reviving lifestyle – physical and mentally. The world today is getting stressed through the expectations from our every day lifes: Job, family, lovelife, socialmedia, lifestyle and so on. Everyday we hear about the pressure and how it influence people. We made a decision to “be the product”.  A decision that not only had influence on our own lifes but also family.

We have build a business wich focus on providing other people with tools to take control or shape their life as they dream about. We provide tools that makes a difference mentally, physically and in the way food is selected, prepared and eaten. We have the possibility to make a DNA test to indicate what each person is intollerant to – 650 foods, 350 non foods, metals and needed vitamins. A possibility for the individual to avoid the unpleasantness in our every day lifes, by pointing out the things wich should be avoided. To get a better life.

My passion has always be food. Discovery of new possibilities, new worlds of food and products. My experience has shown me, its actually the other way around.  The “old” world has the healthy, life giving products. The “new” world, with the pre-made, artificial and the chemistry used on most of the every day foods we eat, is making us sick. So by re-discovering the natural foods, we can influence our health and avoid a lot of medicine, by eating consciously.

In the years we have enjoyed in Greece, I have discovered the food treasury Greece is providing. The olive oils, the Spices (food and tea), the greens, the fruits, the Sea, the water (drinking), cheeses, honey among a lot of things. All products in nature that doesnt need modern “optimising” to taste fantastic.

These products, how to prepaire and eat them, how to combine an active life with healthy and easy living, is the reason to our business. We want to be the positive influencers as an alternative to the fast-food and stressful life.