I have shared my recipes up so you can find the salads, soups, bread without flour and eggs, juices and smoothies that we include use on our various Retreat. Hope they can benefit you.



2 fennel, 2 large oranges, 15 olive, 1 fresh hoe red onion, olive oil, salt and pepper

Cut the fennel into thin slices – save the top green leaves to decorate the salad with. Cut the oranges into fillets – avoid getting the white bitter going. Arrange fennel, orange, finely chopped onions and olives and sprinkle a good olive oil over the salad. Sprinkle salt and pepper over and serve.

BEET / APPLE salad with roasted pumpkin seeds 

Delicious salad – that saturates well and has plenty of freshness.


1 kg beets, 4 red apples, 1 bunch parsley, 1 lemon, 50 grams of salt roasted pumpkin seeds, salt and pepper.


Cook the beets for approximately 45 minutes in water with a little salt until tender and the skin can be easily slipped off. Cut the beets and apples into small pieces too bright. Cut the parsley finely and mix with apples, beets and pumpkin seeds. Season with lemon, salt and pepper to taste.


Ingredients  2 people: 1 red onion, 1 lemon, 2 apples, 2 oranges, a little salt, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, ¼ red cabbage, 40 g walnut, 50 grams of sun-dried cranberries

Preparation:  Toast the walnuts in a pan and let them cool. Cut red cabbage very fine, like a slicing disc. Massage cabbage with olive oil and a light sprinkle of salt.

Fillets oranges: cut the bottom and top of, save these juice from the ends to be used eventually. Ask the oranges and cut the peel from the top down, through the white. Take the fruit in one hand and inserts with the other now each fillet, between the membranes, free. Do it over a bowl to catch the juice. Twist the membranes when the fillets are cut free. Cut the apples into very fine boats / slices. Peel and cut the onions as well as cabbage. Turn the cabbage with onions and serve it with orange file teas, apples and cranberries. Drizzle the salad with orange juice and top with walnuts.


Ingredients  1person: 30 grams of walnuts, mango 1, 2 avocado, lemon, heart 2 salads, 1 bunch parsley

Preparation:  Toast the nuts in a dry pan and let them cool. Cut the cheeks of the mango and cut the fruit into fine fillets, also there had to sit around the stone. Share avocado, remove the stone and shell. Cut the meat in thin slices. Sprinkle immediately with lemon. Rinse and swirl salad to dry. Rinse, dry and pinch of parsley. Arrange the salad leaves with mango, avocado, walnuts and parsley and drizzle with lemon.


Cauliflower soup with chili


 To 2 – 400-500 g cauliflower (a small cauliflower head) 1 shallot, 2 cloves of garlic, red chili 1/2 seedless, 1 tsp. vegetable stock, 1.2 L of water

Onions and chopped garlic and fry in olive oil in a pan. Cauliflower cut into florets, use including stalks, cut into cubes. Chili cut fine, and all the ingredients fry together. Add the juice of half lemon and broth and water, let it all boil for 15 minutes, then blended in a blender.

When serving the soup can be decorated with red hot pepper rings at the top and watercress.

CREAMY vegetable soup Herbal Oil

 Ingredients:  4 people –  1 parsnip in cubes 2 potatoes into cubes, 2 leek into thin rings, 1 carrot, thinly sliced, 2 tbsp. oil, 1 onion diced, 1-2 cloves garlic, 2 tsp. curry powder 2 tsp. support. coriander, 10 black or white peppercorns, ca. 1 liter of vegetable broth, some salt and possible. lemon juice

Spiced Oil:  
2 tbsp. olive oil 2 tsp. green pesto or 1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh herbs

Procedure: Once all the ingredients have come to the pan, they really just stand and simmer until they are cooked done, then blender you your vegetable soup and serve it.


Ingredients:  1-2 persons – 100 g kale leaves without the coarse stem, ¾ l. Vegetable stock, 200g potatoes into very small cubes, 100g shallots into thin strips, 4 cloves of garlic into thin strips 1 tablespoon olive oil

Method: Finely chop the kale very fine – it makes you most easily in a food processor. Bring broth to a boil, and cook the potatoes 6-8 min. in the soup. Add the kale and let it cook the soup for 4-5 minutes. without a lid. Add salt and pepper. Fry the shallots and garlic in olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat for 6-8 minutes. or until the onions are nicely browned. The onion and garlic turned in the soup, and it is ready for serving.

Carrot soup with red curry

Ingredients : 

 3 – 1 kg carrots cut into coarse pieces, 2 cans coconut milk, 4 ml water, 2 large red onion cut into wedges, 1 piece. red curry paste, 1 vegetable stock, 1 tsp. salt and chilli.


Fry the red curry powder in the bottom of the pan, together with the red onions. Add carrots, vegetable fund, coconut milk and water. Let the contents boil for 20 minutes, after which it must be blinded with a hand aperture to the soup is smooth. The soup should boil for a further 10 minutes, after which it is to be flavored with salt and chili.


Ingredients:   3 – 4 carrots, 2 courgettes, 2 leeks, 2 parsley root, 2 onions, 150 grams of green beans, fresh or from the freezer, 4 cloves of garlic, salt and freshly ground pepper 1½ liters of vegetable broth. Finally, add 1 can of organic, peeled tomatoes (4 large potatoes are cooked with soup and used for kryddercremen)

Kryddercreme: 4 boiled potatoes 4-6 cloves garlic Fresh basil 1 dl. Olive oil 1 can of organic, peeled tomatoes salt and freshly ground pepper

Method : Clean the vegetables and cut into smaller pieces (the potatoes are cooked with the whole). Add all the vegetables in the broth and let them boil for about 30 minutes. Take up the potatoes and add the peeled tomatoes and taste the soup with spices. Blend the cooked potatoes with the remaining ingredients and kryddercremen is ready.

Spinach Soup with coconut

   3 – 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 4 medium potatoes, 500 g. Spinach fresh or frozen ½ liter grøntsagsboullion, 2½ dl. coconut milk salt and freshly ground pepper freshly grated nutmeg to taste freshly grated ginger to taste, virgin coconut oil

Procedure: Wash the spinach thoroughly, peel and cut onions and potatoes into smaller pieces. Fry the onion, not garlic, and potatoes lightly in coconut oil for about 5-6 minutes, add spinach and put a lid on for an additional 5-6 minutes. Add the vegetable stock and simmer for 15 minutes with the lid on. Add garlic, ginger, nutmeg and salt and pepper and coconut milk and taste the soup, then blended. It is now ready to serve.

Potato soup with ginger

Ingredients: onion, garlic, sweet potatoes, ginger, lime and grøntsagsboullion

Procedure: Onions and garlic fried in oil for 5 minutes, add as needed, sweet potatoes, grated ginger, broth – depending on taste. Blend eventually.




Ingredients:  100 g of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds 100 g, 100 g almonds, walnuts 100 g, 100 g linseed 100 g of sesame seeds, 5 eggs, 1 cup oil, 2 tsp. salt

Procedure:  Mix everything together, came the mass in a greased form – like a silicone form. Baked 1 hour at 160 degrees in a preheated oven.

Paleo CRISPBREAD 1 plate

Ingredients: 350 mixed cores eg .: 100 g of sesame seeds, 75 g of pumpkin seeds, 75 g of Chia seeds, 50 g of sunflower seeds, 50 g Linseed, -1 1/2 teaspoon salt (I is probably most useful for 1/2 tsp) 2 large beaten eggs (I have also baked with only egg whites, it also works fine)

A super easy solution is to buy a pack of ready-mixed Paleo bread mix, but there are nuts and almonds in’d take them off and chopped them so they do not stick out in crispbread, because then you can not knock it flat. (To 500 g final blend, I used approximately 165 g of egg white (an eco bottle) and 1 teaspoon salt).

Course of action: 

  • Beat eggs until
  • The slope of the salt and a pipe (or mix the salt in the cores)
  • Pour all nuclei in and stir it around with a spoon
  • Pour the mixture onto a silicone mat or a cookie sheet
  • Spread the mixture and press it flat with a palette knife
  • Make sure to get the seeds evenly distributed and the same thickness everywhere also the edges, so it bakes evenly. You can just right edge of the as possible eventually, and cut at last with a pizza cutter, so you after baking can crack the pieces
  • Bake at 200 ° C, hold eye behind until golden brown
    – though I baked some yesterday I do not remember the time, but think about 10mins? turn any and behind little more.
  • Cool on a wire rack
  • Break it into pieces and store in an airtight tin


  1. Cucumber ½, ½ lemon not, ½ broccoli, 1 apple, pears 2 and a large handful of mint (contains:
  2. ½ lemon, 200 grams of carrots, ½ orange, two apples
  3. ½ cabbage, ½ lemon in shell, 200 grams of spinach beet, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, 2 cm ginger
  4. 2 cm pineapple, cucumber 6 cm, 6 cm squash, 1 stalk celery, broccoli ½ stick 2 cm lemon with peel, 3 carrots, 2 cm beetroot
  5. 2 beetroot, grapefruit 1 without peel, pineapple 2 cm
  6. ½ cucumber, 150 grams of cabbage, 50 grams of spinach, four apples, ½ lemon in shell
  7. 150 grams of carrots, ½ cabbage, 1 zucchini, 2 apples, ½ lemon without peel
  8. ½ squash, 1 stalk celery, broccoli ½, ½ lemon with peel, 250 grams of carrots, 200 grams of beetroot – ¼-1/2 pineapple
  9. 2 sweet potatoes, 5 stalks celery, 1 apple, 1 Grapefruit without peel
  10. ½ cucumber, spinach 75 grams, 75 grams kale, parsley ¼ bundle, 1 lime without peel, apple 1

All juices are a person



Ingredients for 2 servings – 200 g of strawberries from frozen, sweetened, 1 banana 1 cup Greek yogurt 2%, skimmed milk 1 dl / almond milk, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar

SMOOTHIE with blueberries

Ingredients: 2 servings – 300 g blueberries, frozen and sweetened, 1 ½ cups Greek yogurt 2%, 1 ½ cups orange juice

SMOOTHIE with mango

Ingredients:  200g mango fruit from frost, ½ banana, 2 cups orange juice, 1 cup Greek yogurt 2%


Ingredients:  1 pineapple, 1 cucumber, 3 tbsp. fresh mint, 2 dl water, one large handful of ice cubes