The preprocessed products in the world today, is optimised in ways that focus on: selling as much as possible, creating a dependence to the product by adding E-numbers and other artificial additives. In this way the consumer ends up craving for the products. Its creating a dependence as normally seen in drugs!

The amount of obese people in the world are exploding. We are developing Diabetes as never seen before, even kids!  The reason being the bad foods we are eating and drinking. Countries that decades ago, was seen as healthy living contries, suddenly developed diseases which is linked to unhealthy eating. The western world has “exported” the preprocessed foods – Fast foods. Its cheap and easy accessable and it is being marketed allover the world. It displaces the old traditions for food and often healthy living.

Everyone of us who have eaten fast food, knows that after have eaten a meal, we get hungry soon after. When we eat a healthy meal – containing natural products, high in fiber and vitamins – the satisfaction of the meal -lasts!

Today when people talk about healthy lifestyle, a lot of people compares it to being on a diet. This is of course not true. It’s the physical and especially the mental system “demanding the drugs” our fast foods normally contains!

By showing how easy and accessable healthy food is and show how to prepare a healthy meal, we hope to convince and motivate people to restart the self-cooking.

Studies show, how a healthy diet combined with physical activity, can reduce and sometime eliminate the use of prescribed drugs. How people get a lifestyle they only have dreamed about. With small  – but significant changes.